For the past few weeks, I visited some prisons in the country after I found out my classmate was in prison because he couldn't pay a fine of GHS 600 for a minor crime.
I requested a list of people who were in prison for similar reasons to see if I could help pay their fine for them to be given their freedom. But my request was based on people who were first-time offenders and got there because of bad influence.
I got almost 20 people and out of the 20, I decided to pay for five which included my classmate. I have already succeeded in releasing 2 people and the other two are still in process.
With the one left, I was surprised to be informed that his release process had to be withdrawn after his family was contacted and they demanded that he should not be released because he would come and disturb them.
But these prisoners had been considered for release because the officers had rightly observed that they had regretted their actions and mended their ways and so were ready to be accepted back into society to do something with their lives.
Hmmm, I wonder if the family tried to find out if their brother had learned his lesson and changed for the better. Aah, well..., I suppose they're forgetting he will finish serving his 2-and-a-half-year jail term and return to them! He had no idea I wanted to help release him so we didn't tell him his family didn't want him out, the hard truth he will never know for the rest of his life!
A very big thanks to The Prison Officers who helped with the process and also to Yaw Odoom and the rest of Trotro Diaries members who contributed financially to this course. Will update you on the next people who will be released soon. until then goodbye.
(Shared by Bubuashie Kevinhart on TroTro Diaries group)